Danse | Choregraphes | Type | Musique | Fiche | Video |
M & D | Marie Machu & Dominique Tritsch | Line Dance – 2 murs – 32 comptes Debutant |  |  |  |
Madison Cowboy | Nathalie Emond | Line Dance - 4 murs - 48 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Magazine | David Villellas | Line Dance – 1 mur – Phrasée Avance |  |  |  |
Magic Moon | Robbie McGowan Hickie | Line Dance – 4 murs – 32 comptes Debutant |  |  |  |
Make Her Fall In Love With Me | Raelinn W. Dale | Line Dance – 2 murs – 32 comptes Debutant |  |  |  |
Make It Up | Maggie Gallagher | Line Dance – 4 murs – 32 comptes Debutant |  |  |  |
Make Love Tonight | Michelle Chandonnet&Marc Archambault | Partner Dance – 32 comptes Débutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Make This Day | Rachael McEnaney | Line Dance - 4 murs - 64 comptes Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mama | Michelle Chandonnet&Marc Archambault | Partner Dance – 64 comptes Débutant |  |  |  |
Mama's Last | Huguette & Jean Duguay | Partner Dance – 64 comptes Intermediaire/Avancé |  |  |  |
Mama Rock Me | Guenther Wodlei | Partner Dance – En cercle - 64 comptes Débutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mambolina | Kate Sala | Line Dance - 4 murs - 32 temps Debutant |  |  |  |
Mambo rock | Jos Slijpen | Line Dance - 4 murs - 32 temps Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mambo Shuffle | J.W. Grimes | Line Dance - 4 murs - 40 comptes Debutant |  |  |  |
Mary, Mary | Darren "Daz" Bailey | Line Dance - 4 murs - 48 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Marti |  Anna Ballaguer | Line Dance - 4 murs - 24 comptes Debutant |  |  |  |
Mawani | Françoise Guillet dite « Fanfan » | Line Dance - 4 murs - 48 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Maybe Sometime | Johanne Rutherford & François Cournoyer | Patner Dance – 64 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mean | Cécile Et Norbert | Partner Dance – Phrasé - 96 comptes Avançé |  |  |  |
Men Don't Change | Rachel Mc Enaney | Line Dance - 4 murs - 48 comptes Débutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mestei | David Villellas | Line Dance - 2 murs - 60 comptes 1 tag - 1 Restart Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Messed Up In Memphis | Dee Musk | Line Dance - 4 murs - 64 comptes 1 Restart Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mexicali | Robbie McGowan Hickie | Line Dance - 4 murs - 64 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mexican Wind | Julie & Steve Ebel | Partner Dance – Stationnaire - 96 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mexicoma AKA It's Over | Françoise Guillet | Partner Dance - 48 comptes Débutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Miami My Amy | David Robert | Par tner Dance – 64 comptes Débutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Midnight Moves | Dan Albro | Partner Dance – 32 comptes Débutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Midnight Waltz | Jo Thompson | Line Dance - 4 murs - 48 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Miller Magic | Andrew Palmer & Simon J. & Sheila A. Cox | Line Dance - 4 murs - 64 comptes Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Miller's Cave | Dj Dan & wynette Miller | Partner Dance – 32 comptes Débutant/Intermediaire | |  |  |
Millenium | Ester Mayans & José Ferrer | Line Dance - 4 murs - 64 comptes 3 tags Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mimi | Teki Anna Bolos Cardona | Line Dance - 2 murs - 64 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Moonlight Bliss | Carol & George Stayte | Par tner Dance – En cercle - 64 comptes Débutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Monday For Two | Jocelyne Milville a.k.a. Jojocountry | Partner Dance-4 murs - 64 temps- 1 restart Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Montana Partner | Montana country show | Partner Dance-1 mur -48 temps- Debutant/Intermediaire |  | |  |
More Of Love | Michelle Chandonnet&Marc Archambault | Par tner Dance – 64 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mother Me | Maggie Gallagher | Line Dance - 4 murs - 64 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mr Policeman | Ria Vos | Line Dance - 2 murs - 64 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Mr Rock’N Roll | Derek Robinson | Line Dance – 4 murs – 32 comptes Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Munstang | Linda Sansoucy | Partner Dance – - 32 comptes Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
Muntsa | David Villellas | Line Dance - 2 murs - 64 comptes 1 tag Débutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
My Dear Juliet | Pilar Perez Solera | Line Dance - 2 murs - 64 comptes 1 restart Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
My Girl Joséphine | Lucie Murphy & Raymond Dumont | Partner Dance – Promenade - 48 comptes Intermediaire |  |  |  |
My Girl | Suzanne Laverdière & Marc Laliberté | Partner Dance – - 32 comptes Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
My Next Broken Heart | Helène Lavoie&Michel Auclair | Partner Dance – - 32 comptes Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
My Heart is A Bar | Helène Lavoie&Michel Auclair | Partner Dance – - 32 comptes Debutant/Intermediaire |  |  |  |
My Man | Valentin Verbois / Teddy Fournet | Line Dance Phrasée ( 64 - 32 - 64 ) - Tag - Pont Avancé |  |  |  |
My New Life | John Offermans | Line Dance - 4 murs - 48 comptes Debutant |  |  |  |
My Sweet Maureen for Two | Rafel Corbi Adapté pour les couples par Jette Kousgaard & Kurt Teilmann | Partner Dance – - 32 comptes Debutant |  |  |  |
Mystik | Guillaume Richard | Line Dance – 2 murs – Phrasée Intermediaire |  |  |  |
My Truck | Bruno Morel | Line Dance – 2 murs – 36 comptes Debutant |  | |  |